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Cartoons Fri 20 of Nov., 2009 00:33 EST Tue 01 of Dec., 2009 01:59 EST System Administrator 2 84458 List
CETD concept CETD Knowledge Network Cluster Concept - diagram showing relationship between our probable future from current mindset in contrast to creating a prefered future through development of a "learning community/city" via networks, partnerships, innovation and sustainability. Fri 30 of Jan., 2009 21:53 EST Sun 08 of Feb., 2009 00:15 EST System Administrator 6 90160 List
Dezhou - China Solar City Images from Dezhou - China Solar City Fri 30 of Jan., 2009 23:20 EST Sat 31 of Jan., 2009 00:56 EST System Administrator 4 375861 List
Indigenous Architecture Examples of Tropical Native Architecture. Tue 03 of June, 2008 04:17 EST Tue 03 of June, 2008 04:20 EST System Administrator 1 81646 List
Townsville Solar City Images from Townsville Solar City Fri 30 of Jan., 2009 23:18 EST Fri 30 of Jan., 2009 23:18 EST System Administrator 0 73850 List